When someone wants to fight you but you want to stay out of crime; How to manage the situation.
I have personally been in many situations where people have said this to me . As a former gang member, I tend to deal with these in a way to let my opponents know that I am not scared; just not here for those things.
1.It's okay to argue.
Arguing isn't necessarily a bad thing; myself I thrive in winning an argument. You can argue, just don't intentionally provoke your opponent. You haven't got to shy away from replying back even with inches of 'get back' insults or strong opinions. Just don't go too hard ; that's when it turns to provoking.
2.Argue back without provoking.
Arguing back without provoking means having limits. Some common sense also helps. For example, laughing at someone's terminally ill relative would be crossing the line; although we have different interpretations of what provoking can be.
3.Be assertive.
Calm the situation down without sounding scared of your opponent.
Being assertive means having or showing a confident and forceful personality. Communicate your point without coming across like a trembling leaf, showing assertiveness instead of being aggressive(ready or likely to attack or confront; resulting from aggression.)
4.Know yourself.
You don't need to prove a point. Know who you are. Whether that is a boss, queen or OG (original gangster). The people who bark the loudest are the ones who feel they need to do the most to prove some type of point. You are not that person unless you are and feel you need to prove a point . Real ones have their points established and don't need to keep proving a point to different audiences.
5.Think about what you have to loose.
What's on the line for you? What could you potentially loose to this? Your life? Custody of your kids? Your home? Money, assets? Then think: is this person and situation worth loosing this? Is it worth taking the risk? Because to me, nothing is worth it; not even my pride because once the crime is committed and your pride fed, it's time to face the consequences.
Take these steps with you and apply them to your situations. Drop a comment or message ,let us know how it worked out for you. Good luck.
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