Sortez, restez dehors
"GOOC IS FOR ALL OF US,NOT JUST SOME OF US" -Zion-Dorcas Issa (Founder of Get Out Of Crime GOOC Ltd.)
GOOC is for everyone, regardless of age, ability, socioeconomic status, or occupation. From the young to the elderly, the deaf to the blind, the rich to the poor and the employed to the unemployed, GOOC is inclusive. Leaders and followers, offenders and non-offenders, children and parents, students and professionals- all benefit from its services.
À propos de nous, notre mission et nos convictions
À propos de nous, notre mission et nos convictions
To give our customers proven tools to get out and stay out of crime .
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink," -John Heywood
- Crime cannot be stopped but can be reduced.
- We stand on Humanity, Love & Winning.
Horaires d'ouvertures
Lun - Ven : 10h - 18h
Sam : 10h - 15h
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